Existing businesses

Services for existing businesses 

When you need help in growing your business, internationalisation, or adapting to changing markets, our business consultants will help you.

Yrityksen kasvu ja kehittäminen

When you need help in growing your business, we will help you

Maksuton kasvu- ja kehittämisneuvonta

We provide growth and development counselling free of charge

 Applying for funding required for the development of operations may seem challenging, especially if it is your first time. Our entrepreneurship consultants will help you overcome the hurdles of bureaucracy and get your project plan over the finish line. If required, we will help you find a new partner network or develop an existing partner network.   Take a look at our regional enterprise and service directory

Read more about funding and grant options for existing enterprises:

Leader Aisapari yritystuet (Alajärvi, Lappajärvi, Vimpeli)
Leader Kuudestaaan yritystuet (Soini)
Ely- keskus yrityksen kehittämisavustus

Employment and staff services are provided by:

TE- Services 

We will help you when your company’s objectives include exports and international markets

We are an initial stage regional partner for enterprises that aim to work at exports and international markets. We will find suitable and competent employees for the various stages of internationalisation through our extensive partner network, whether it comes to market surveys, test marketing, or looking for partners in the target market. We will also help you find the correct funding solutions.  

Our development manager will assist you with export and internationalisation issues.

Contact information 

Vienti ja kansainvälistyminen
Vapaat toimitilat Järvi-Pohjanmaalla

You can announce free premises or look for new ones through our facility services

Do you own a facility that you would like to rent or sell? Is your business looking for a new location?

If nothing suitable shows up, let us know what you need and we will keep looking together.


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